2016 Hosanna Project Winners
The 2016 Hosanna Preaching Prize is awarded to Addie Domske, Seminarian, McCormick Seminary (1st place)
and Rev. Jon E. Cole and Rev. Lisa M. Lopez (co-2nd place winners).
This year's prize recipients participated with diverse colleagues in ministry and the seminar leadership team in the first annual Hosanna Preaching Seminar, a 1-day educational event featuring readings, presentations, and dialogue held at the Cenacle Center in Chicago in October 2015. The seminar delved into creative, theologically responsible ways to challenge exceptionalism and to connect the liberating themes of the gospel to the crucible of Israel-Palestine.
The seminar participants prepared a sermon on the lectionary passages for the 3rd Sunday in Epiphany, preached it in their congregational settings, and wrote a reflection paper on the experience of preparing and preaching the sermon, as well as the congregational feedback they received.
Click to read winning sermons: